ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17



Kindergarten students receive reports of progress three times during the school year where traditional letter grades are assigned. These reports are intended to give parents information related to student development and are not based on the traditional academic requirements that make up traditional school report cards.

1 st – 2 nd Grade First grade students receive a report card at the end of each marking period, where traditional letter grades are assigned. The report card indicates progress in Reading, Mathematics, Language, Spelling, Handwriting, Social Studies/Science/Health, Classroom Conduct, Art, Library, Music, and Physical Education. For each of these subject areas, specific skills are listed and a notation is made in areas needing improvement. In addition, the teacher comments on areas of work and social habits in which improvement is needed. 3 rd – 8 th Grades Beginning in third grade, students receive number grades for academic subjects. Each academic area is sub–divided into composite skills. The teacher makes a notation to indicate that the area is in need of improvement. The teacher also marks the areas of work and social habits that need to be improved.

Academic Grading Scale 92–100 A 84–91 B 76–83 C 70–75 D 60–69 F S – Satisfactory*

I – Improvement Shown N – Needs improvement U – Unsatisfactory

*PLEASE NOTE: Art, Library, Music, Computers, Spanish, Health & Physical Education Grades K–5 will receive letter grades. A detailed copy of the uniform grading policy is available from your child’s teacher and on our website.

Interim Reports Interim reports are issued approximately at the midpoint between report card periods. Their purpose is to alert the parent and the student to the fact that either the work or the conduct of the student is borderline, failing, or inconsistent with the student’s ability so that corrective steps may be taken before grades appear on the report card. Interims may also be used by teachers to inform the parent that a student has shown a commendable level of improvement. Our on–line parent portal is also available for both students and parents to obtain up to date information about the student’s progress in his/her classes.


When a problem arises, please request a meeting first with your child’s teacher. If the teacher is unable to resolve the problem, request a meeting with the Principal. If the problem is still not resolved to your satisfaction please request a meeting with the Superintendent. If the issue is still not resolved to your satisfaction, and only at this time, should the Board of Education be consulted.


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