ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17


To learn effectively, a student needs good health. The purpose of the School Health Program is to appraise and supervise the health of the students while in school, teach and encourage them to take more interest and responsibility for their own health and safety and that of others, and to provide emergency services for those ill or injured while in school. Quarantine The rules regarding quarantine of school children for communicable diseases have been established by the State Board of Health and the Board of Education. Chicken Pox – Must remain home until all of the lesions are dry; the student must be cleared by the school nurse before returning to the classroom Conjunctivitis – When under treatment with prescribed eye drops for at least 24 hours and eye discharge has ceased. A note from the doctor must accompany the student’s return to school. Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea – Student must be free of fever, vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. Impetigo, Scabies, Ringworm, & Rashes Student is excluded from attending school until a doctor's note is received stating that the student is free of communicable disease. Lice – After treatment with lice eliminating shampoo and all nits have been eliminated, student must be cleared by the school nurse before returning to school. Streptococcal Infections (Strep throat, scarlet fever, Scarlatina) – After 24 hours of treatment, fever free for 24 hours, and written note from doctor to return to school. Crutches and Wheelchairs – Students must have a note from a physician or permission from the school nurse to utilize crutches and wheelchairs in school. Medications Medications prescribed by a physician may be administered by the school nurse under exceptional circumstances. The medication must be brought to the school by the parent in the original container, labeled according to standards. Medication may not be kept in the student's possession. It must be locked in the health office and administered by the school nurse. Please Note : Medications will only be administered at school with specific directions written by the attending physician. Non–prescription medicines including aspirin/Tylenol will only be administered with the written permission from a physician. ● If the medication is to be given 3 times a day, it does not have to be given during school hours, unless the doctor has specifically ordered it to be given at certain hours. ● Emergency medications such as an inhaler or an Epi Pen may be carried by students when appropriate. Such medications must still be registered with the nurse initially and paperwork must be completed for the student. If you have any questions, please call the school nurse. The nurse will be happy to discuss this policy further or assist you in resolving any problems it may present.


The Berlin Community School has an active parents group known as the Berlin Community School and Home Association (BCSHA) . Each family and faculty member is encouraged to join the BCSHA . The membership drive begins the first week of school. Membership is per family. Activities sponsored by the BCSHA include the Book Fair, Holiday Gift Shop, fundraisers, and speakers for parent meetings. A BCSHA Newsletter is sent home 2–3 times per year to inform parents of upcoming events and the results of past activities.


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