CER Winter Brochure
As you browse through this book, please note the following:
1. REGISTRATIONS are first-come, first served and many classes are limited in size! Please register early to secure your place !
2. DEADLINE to register for any class is January 3, 2020! (Unless stated on the flyer)
3. CLASSES begin the week of January 6, 2020!
4. REGISTER EARLY for individual classes via links on each page.
5. PAYMENTS Preferred method of payment is debit/credit, but we do accept check or cash payments. Payments due by January 3, 2020. 6. DISMISSAL FROM CER CLUB after clubs are finished, you will need to sign your child out with the instructor. All CER students will be dismissed and ready for pick up at the Community Education doorway (to the left of the elementary entrance), unless instructed different by instructor.
7. QUESTIONS contact Michelle Sojdak 856-767-0129 ext. 201
Mr. Ford
mak·er·space /ˈmākərˌspās/ noun
A makerspace is a room that contains tools and components, allowing people to enter with an idea and leave with a complete project. The best part is that makerspaces are communal. The goal is to work together to learn, collaborate, and share. Most importantly, makerspaces allow us to explore, create new things, or improve things that already exist.
Grades K-2 Mondays: 3-4pm 1/6, 1/13, 1/21, 1/27 Grades 3-6 Mondays: 3-4pm 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/2 Cost: $50
Click Here to Register
"plearn" [play + learn] while connecting to real-world experiences. Program and code using Spheros, Ozobots and WeDo Lego 2.0 Kits. Develop 21st century and problem-solving skills through engineer design challenges. Investigate and create through hands-on, sensory science experiments. Explore the 4C's while learning how to create, film and edit green screen videos
For additional information, please contact Mr. Ford
WHO? Any student in 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th grade!
What time? 3:00pm to 4:30pm (pick up promptly at 4:30pm)
When does it start? February 24, 2020
How to register Click here to register
Deadline to register is February 18, 2020
What is the tuition? $185.00 per student
What does that include?
A student script, a rehearsal cd, a cast t-shirt, most costumes, and four family tickets to one of the
performances PLUS an incredible experience that will build confidence, instill a love of literature, promote
cooperation, responsibility and trustworthiness and is a ton of fun!
Questions? Email Mrs. Kessler at kesslera@bcsberlin.org
Rehearsal Dates and Times:
February 24 and 25, 2020 – 3:00pm to 4:15pm
March 2, 3, 9, 10 – 3:00pm to 4:30pm
March 16, 17, 30 and 31 – 3:00pm to 4:30pm
April 14, 15, 16 – 3:00pm to 5:30pm TECH REHEARSALS
April 20, 21, 22 – 3:00pm to 5:30pm – DRESS REHEARSALS
Building a Digital Escape Room
Mondays 1/6/20-2/3/20 (No Class 1/20/20)
Berlin Community School 215 South Franklin Avenue Berlin, NJ 08009
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Grades 5 - 8
Instructor: Frank Friend
Ever wanted to solve a mystery, study while playing a game, or challenge friends to a fun way to be a detective? Well here we will learn how to build a digital escape room. An escape room allows the user to become a detective or practice learning skills while trying to solve the online clues given. This course can help both the user and creator learn while in a game format. This can also help with studying in a fun way too. Students will by the end of the course have a working escape room to show off to their friends and family. This course will be a hybrid designing and showing of digital escape tools during club hours and putting together on your own with the help of an online platform. Click here to register
Friendly Solutions, LLC PO Box 275 Atco, NJ 08004
Dungeons and Dragons!
Grade 5 through 8 ADVENTURERS WANTED!
Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:30 - 4:30
Room 68
January: 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30
February: 4, 6, 11, 13
Looking for Adventure? Good at Puzzles and team problem
solving? Like using your imagination? Enjoy Role Playing
Games? Enjoy Mr. Weichmann’s & Mr. Jaworski’s non-stop
puns and terrible dad jokes?
Dungeons and Dragons is the place for you!
Join our adventure! Create your own character, seek
treasure, explore fantastic worlds and conquer ferocious
beasts with your friends!
Click here to register for Dungeons and Dragons!
Emergency Medical “SCIENCE" Basic
Tuesdays 2/11/20 – 3/3/20
Berlin Community School 215 South Franklin Avenue Berlin, NJ 08009
Grades 5 - 8
Instructor: Frank Friend
Did you know that Emergency Medical providers (First Responders, EMTs, and Paramedics use many forms of science including biology to care for sick or injured patients? In this program you will learn how science helps medical personnel do their jobs. Content will include learning basic science concepts and practical applications of those science principles. A discussion on career fields within the emergency services will also be explored. Click here to register
Friendly Solutions, LLC PO Box 275 Atco, NJ 08004
Mr. Miller- McGrail’s
Broadway Club
singing, acting, and dancing skills!
When: Tuesdays 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28
What Time: 3-4pm
Who: Grades 2-5
How Much: $50 (includes snacks)
Click here to register
Fire “SCIENCE" and Safety
Tuesdays 1/14/20 – 2/4/20
Berlin Community School 215 South Franklin Avenue Berlin, NJ 08009
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Grades 5 - 8
Instructor: Frank Friend
Did you know that firefighters use many forms of science to help rescue people and put out fires? In this program you will learn how science helps firefighters do their jobs. Content will include learning basic science concepts and practical applications of those science principles. A discussion on career fields within the fire service will also be explored.
Friendly Solutions, LLC PO Box 275 Atco, NJ 08004
Click here to register
All Grades are Welcome! Recommended 1st - 4 th Mrs. Nasto BCS, Computer Teacher
Building Computer
Skills After School
This enrichment computer lab experience is a fun way to build computer, mouse and technology skills along with confidence in a relaxed, social and supervised environment. Students are encouraged to explore their own interests with guided support. Instruction will be provided for new technologies at various grade levels. Students will have access to a wide variety of resources using the Internet & School Programs: All School Apps, Google Tools, Coding, Avatars, Keying Activities, Google Earth, MrsNasto.com and many other resources to build Technology, Computer Science, Math and Reading skills.
8 Fun Weeks Winter 2020 Tuesdays 3-4pm
January 7, 14, 21, 28 February 4, 11, 18, 25 Fee $65
Strongly recommended if student lacks access to a device, computer or Wi-Fi at home!
Click here to register
More information visit mrsnasto.com
Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher, BCS “Berlin Community School Computer Lab Where Learning and Technology Meet” Register Online District CER Page: bcsberlin.org More Information Call 856-767-0129 CER
Click here to sign up for Drawing and Painting Basics!
Miniature Painting Class
Customize your own Miniature for Dungeons & Dragons and other Table Top Games
Instructor: Mr. Weichmann- Wednesdays 2:30 - 3:30pm
January (8 th , 15 th , 22 nd , and 29 th )
Paints and brushes will be provided for the club
Each student will get one miniature to paint
Cost $50.00
Click here to register
Community Countdown Bible Club – an exciting Bible Club for Children!
Bible Lessons
Missionary Stories
Prizes and Fun!
FREE Seven Week Program * 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays: January, 8 th , 15 th , 22 nd , 29 th . February 5 th , 12 th , 19 th
Register Online By Clicking Here
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed
Emergency Medical “SCIENCE" Intermediate
Wednesdays 1/15/20 – 2/5/20
Berlin Community School 215 South Franklin Avenue Berlin, NJ 08009
Grades 5 - 8
Instructor: Frank Friend
Did you know that Emergency Medical providers (First Responders, EMTs, and Paramedics use many forms of science including biology to care for sick or injured patients? In this program you will learn how science helps medical personnel do their jobs. Content will include learning basic science concepts and practical applications of those science principles. A discussion on career fields within the emergency services will also be explored. Click here to register
Friendly Solutions, LLC PO Box 275 Atco, NJ 08004
The League of Master Strategists Board Games Club Game Master: Mr. Wozniak
Wednesdays 2:30-4:00 Media Center January 8th-February 26th
------------------------------- 5TH -8TH GRADE STUDENTS ARE WELCOME!!! $40.00 Click here to register
Games: Klask, Settlers of Catan, Risk, Ticket to Ride, Monopoly, The Oregon Trail, and more!!!!!
3 R D / 4 T H G RAD E WI N T E R
Meeting Dates: Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 January 22, 29 February 5,12,19
Read, play games and prepare to represent BCS at the regional competition!
CONT A CT MRS . D A V I ES WI TH QUEST I ONS daviesd@bcsberlin.org
S t u d e n t N a m e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G r a d e _ _ _ _ _ P a r e n t N a m e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P h o n e N u m b e r : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A d d r e s s : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E m a i l : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Get ready for a club full of STEAM fun! C hildren will be given hands- on activities that allow them to create, design and explore!
Teacher : Miss Conca
Grades : K -2
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29
Time : 3-4pm
Cost : $60
Click here to register
Enriched Computer Science Learning Experience Theme : Explore Coding & Create Avatars Snap, Code.org, Scratch, Kodable & More 6 Week Winter Session 2020 Thursdays - 2:30 - 4pm January 23 rd & 30 th February 6, 13, 20, & 27 th Fee $65 CER After School Computers Middle School Students Only 5 th - 8 th Grades Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher-BCS Mrs. Nasto.com
Advance Computer Science, Coding and Computer Skills! Great experience for future game designers! A fun & relaxed instructional computer lab experience!
Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher, BCS “Berlin Community School Computer Lab Where Learning and Technology Meet” Register Online District Site: bcsberlin.org More Information Call 856-767-0129 CER
Yoga and Wellness Club
For Middle Schoolers
Thursdays at 2:30 pm
BCS Media Center
5 weeks
(1/9, 1/16, 1/23, 1/30, 2/6)
$45 BYO- Mat
$50 Need a mat
Come learn and practice yoga, mindfulness and relaxation techniques with Mrs. Parks.
Click here to register
K a l e i d o s c o p e C l u b i s a F R E E C E R c l u b f o r 6 t h - 8 t h g r a d e . W e m e e t a f t e r s c h o o l o r d u r i n g l u n c h t o m e e t o u r s t u d e n t s ' d i v e r s e n e e d s . O u r c l u b c r e a t e s a c o h e s i v e l e a r n i n g e n v i r o n m e n t o f a c c e p t a n c e a n d r e s p e c t w h i c h a l l o w s s t u d e n t s t h e s p a c e t o s h a r e t h e i r p a s s i o n f o r i n c l u s i v i t y a n d a l l y s h i p .
kALEIDOSCOPE club be you!!
C o n t a c t M r s . Z i n g a r o o r M r s . W e i s s f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n h o w y o u c a n j o i n a n d m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e i n o u r s c h o o l !
You're Sure to Have a BLAST! At Mr. Goodman's BLAST! CLUB Have fun playing, building with purpose, exploring, creating new friendships, and working together!
Blast! Club will meet on Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 pm January: 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
February: 6th, 13th, 20 th Click here to register
*Open to students Grade 2-5 *Snacks Will Be Provided *$85 per student
Activities Will Include *Team Building Activities * Board Games/Card Games (BYO) * Lego Building
Challenges (BYO) *iPad Games/Apps
Click here to register
We hope you enjoyed our Winter CER Brochure :
Please don’t forget:
REGISTRATIONS are first-come, first served and many classes are limited in size! Please register early to secure your place!
DEADLINE to register for class is January 3, 2020 ! Some classes may have different deadlines. Please make sure to look at each individual.
All payments are due the week before your CER Club starts. *Your child will not be able to attend the CER club unless paid in full.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Sojdak at 856-767-0129 ext. 201
As you browse through this book, please note the following:
1. REGISTRATIONS are first-come, first served and many classes are limited in size! Please register early to secure your place !
2. DEADLINE to register for any class is January 3, 2020! (Unless stated on the flyer)
3. CLASSES begin the week of January 6, 2020!
4. REGISTER EARLY for individual classes via links on each page.
5. PAYMENTS Preferred method of payment is debit/credit, but we do accept check or cash payments. Payments due by January 3, 2020. 6. DISMISSAL FROM CER CLUB after clubs are finished, you will need to sign your child out with the instructor. All CER students will be dismissed and ready for pick up at the Community Education doorway (to the left of the elementary entrance), unless instructed different by instructor.
7. QUESTIONS contact Michelle Sojdak 856-767-0129 ext. 201
WHO? Any student in 2 nd , 3 rd , 4 th and 5 th grade!
What time? 3:00pm to 4:30pm (pick up promptly at 4:30pm)
When does it start? February 24, 2020
How to register Click here to register
Deadline to register is February 18, 2020
What is the tuition? $185.00 per student
What does that include?
A student script, a rehearsal cd, a cast t-shirt, most costumes, and four family tickets to one of the
performances PLUS an incredible experience that will build confidence, instill a love of literature, promote
cooperation, responsibility and trustworthiness and is a ton of fun!
Questions? Email Mrs. Kessler at kesslera@bcsberlin.org
Rehearsal Dates and Times:
February 24 and 25, 2020 – 3:00pm to 4:15pm
March 2, 3, 9, 10 – 3:00pm to 4:30pm
March 16, 17, 30 and 31 – 3:00pm to 4:30pm
April 14, 15, 16 – 3:00pm to 5:30pm TECH REHEARSALS
April 20, 21, 22 – 3:00pm to 5:30pm – DRESS REHEARSALS
Building a Digital Escape Room
Mondays 1/6/20-2/3/20 (No Class 1/20/20)
Berlin Community School 215 South Franklin Avenue Berlin, NJ 08009
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Grades 5 - 8
Instructor: Frank Friend
Ever wanted to solve a mystery, study while playing a game, or challenge friends to a fun way to be a detective? Well here we will learn how to build a digital escape room. An escape room allows the user to become a detective or practice learning skills while trying to solve the online clues given. This course can help both the user and creator learn while in a game format. This can also help with studying in a fun way too. Students will by the end of the course have a working escape room to show off to their friends and family. This course will be a hybrid designing and showing of digital escape tools during club hours and putting together on your own with the help of an online platform. Click here to register
Friendly Solutions, LLC PO Box 275 Atco, NJ 08004
with Mr. Ford
mak·er·space /ˈmākərˌspās/ noun
A makerspace is a room that contains tools and components, allowing people to enter with an idea and leave with a complete project. The best part is that makerspaces are communal. The goal is to work together to learn, collaborate, and share. Most importantly, makerspaces allow us to explore, create new things, or improve things that already exist.
Grades K-3 Mondays: 3-4pm 1/6, 1/13, 1/20, 1/27 Grades 4-6 Mondays: 3-4pm 2/3, 2/10, 2/24, 3/2 Cost: $50
Click Here to Register
"plearn" [play + learn] while connecting to real-world experiences. Code using WeDo Lego Kit. Build, design and move your creations with digital devices. Develop 21st century and problem-solving skills through engineer design challenges. Investigate and create through hands-on, sensory science experiments. Explore the 4C's while learning how to create, film and edit green screen videos
For additional information, please contact Mr. Ford
Dungeons and Dragons!
Grade 5 through 8 ADVENTURERS WANTED!
Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:30 - 4:30
Room 68
January: 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30
February: 4, 6, 11, 13
Looking for Adventure? Good at Puzzles and team problem
solving? Like using your imagination? Enjoy Role Playing
Games? Enjoy Mr. Weichmann’s & Mr. Jaworski’s non-stop
puns and terrible dad jokes?
Dungeons and Dragons is the place for you!
Join our adventure! Create your own character, seek
treasure, explore fantastic worlds and conquer ferocious
beasts with your friends!
Click here to register for Dungeons and Dragons!
Emergency Medical “SCIENCE" Basic
Tuesdays 2/11/20 – 3/3/20
Berlin Community School 215 South Franklin Avenue Berlin, NJ 08009
Grades 5 - 8
Instructor: Frank Friend
Did you know that Emergency Medical providers (First Responders, EMTs, and Paramedics use many forms of science including biology to care for sick or injured patients? In this program you will learn how science helps medical personnel do their jobs. Content will include learning basic science concepts and practical applications of those science principles. A discussion on career fields within the emergency services will also be explored. Click here to register
Friendly Solutions, LLC PO Box 275 Atco, NJ 08004
Mr. Miller- McGrail’s
Broadway Club
singing, acting, and dancing skills!
When: Tuesdays 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28
What Time: 3-4pm
Who: Grades 2-5
How Much: $50 (includes snacks)
Click here to register
Fire “SCIENCE" and Safety
Tuesdays 1/14/20 – 2/4/20
Berlin Community School 215 South Franklin Avenue Berlin, NJ 08009
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Grades 5 - 8
Instructor: Frank Friend
Did you know that firefighters use many forms of science to help rescue people and put out fires? In this program you will learn how science helps firefighters do their jobs. Content will include learning basic science concepts and practical applications of those science principles. A discussion on career fields within the fire service will also be explored.
Friendly Solutions, LLC PO Box 275 Atco, NJ 08004
Click here to register
All Grades are Welcome! Recommended 1st - 4 th Mrs. Nasto BCS, Computer Teacher
Building Computer
Skills After School
This enrichment computer lab experience is a fun way to build computer, mouse and technology skills along with confidence in a relaxed, social and supervised environment. Students are encouraged to explore their own interests with guided support. Instruction will be provided for new technologies at various grade levels. Students will have access to a wide variety of resources using the Internet & School Programs: All School Apps, Google Tools, Coding, Avatars, Keying Activities, Google Earth, MrsNasto.com and many other resources to build Technology, Computer Science, Math and Reading skills.
8 Fun Weeks Winter 2020 Tuesdays 3-4pm
January 7, 14, 21, 28 February 4, 11, 18, 25 Fee $65
Strongly recommended if student lacks access to a device, computer or Wi-Fi at home!
Click here to register
More information visit mrsnasto.com
Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher, BCS “Berlin Community School Computer Lab Where Learning and Technology Meet” Register Online District CER Page: bcsberlin.org More Information Call 856-767-0129 CER
Click here to sign up for Drawing and Painting Basics!
Miniature Painting Class
Customize your own Miniature for Dungeons & Dragons and other Table Top Games
Instructor: Mr. Weichmann- Wednesdays 2:30 - 3:30pm
January (8 th , 15 th , 22 nd , and 29 th )
Paints and brushes will be provided for the club
Each student will get one miniature to paint
Cost $50.00
Click here to register
Community Countdown Bible Club – an exciting Bible Club for Children!
Bible Lessons
Missionary Stories
Prizes and Fun!
FREE Seven Week Program * 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays: January, 8 th , 15 th , 22 nd , 29 th . February 5 th , 12 th , 19 th
Register Online By Clicking Here
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed
Emergency Medical “SCIENCE" Intermediate
Wednesdays 1/15/20 – 2/5/20
Berlin Community School 215 South Franklin Avenue Berlin, NJ 08009
Grades 5 - 8
Instructor: Frank Friend
Did you know that Emergency Medical providers (First Responders, EMTs, and Paramedics use many forms of science including biology to care for sick or injured patients? In this program you will learn how science helps medical personnel do their jobs. Content will include learning basic science concepts and practical applications of those science principles. A discussion on career fields within the emergency services will also be explored. Click here to register
Friendly Solutions, LLC PO Box 275 Atco, NJ 08004
The League of Master Strategists Board Games Club Game Master: Mr. Wozniak
Wednesdays 2:30-4:00 Media Center January 8th-February 26th
------------------------------- 5TH -8TH GRADE STUDENTS ARE WELCOME!!! $40.00 Click here to register
Games: Klask, Settlers of Catan, Risk, Ticket to Ride, Monopoly, The Oregon Trail, and more!!!!!
Get ready for a club full of STEAM fun! C hildren will be given hands- on activities that allow them to create, design and explore!
Teacher : Miss Conca
Grades : K -2
Day: Wednesdays
Dates: 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29
Time : 3-4pm
Cost : $60
Click here to register
K a l e i d o s c o p e C l u b i s a F R E E C E R c l u b f o r 6 t h - 8 t h g r a d e . W e m e e t a f t e r s c h o o l o r d u r i n g l u n c h t o m e e t o u r s t u d e n t s ' d i v e r s e n e e d s . O u r c l u b c r e a t e s a c o h e s i v e l e a r n i n g e n v i r o n m e n t o f a c c e p t a n c e a n d r e s p e c t w h i c h a l l o w s s t u d e n t s t h e s p a c e t o s h a r e t h e i r p a s s i o n f o r i n c l u s i v i t y a n d a l l y s h i p .
kALEIDOSCOPE club be you!!
C o n t a c t M r s . Z i n g a r o o r M r s . W e i s s f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n o n h o w y o u c a n j o i n a n d m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e i n o u r s c h o o l !
Enriched Computer Science Learning Experience Theme : Explore Coding & Create Avatars Snap, Code.org, Scratch, Kodable & More 6 Week Winter Session 2020 Thursdays - 2:30 - 4pm January 23 rd & 30 th February 6, 13, 20, & 27 th Fee $65 CER After School Computers Middle School Students Only 5 th - 8 th Grades Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher-BCS Mrs. Nasto.com
Advance Computer Science, Coding and Computer Skills! Great experience for future game designers! A fun & relaxed instructional computer lab experience!
Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher, BCS “Berlin Community School Computer Lab Where Learning and Technology Meet” Register Online District Site: bcsberlin.org More Information Call 856-767-0129 CER
You're Sure to Have a BLAST! At Mr. Goodman's BLAST! CLUB Have fun playing, building with purpose, exploring, creating new friendships, and working together!
Blast! Club will meet on Thursdays 3:00 – 4:00 pm January: 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
February: 6th, 13th, 20 th Click here to register
*Open to students Grade 2-5 *Snacks Will Be Provided *$85 per student
Activities Will Include *Team Building Activities * Board Games/Card Games (BYO) * Lego Building
Challenges (BYO) *iPad Games/Apps
Click here to register
We hope you enjoyed our Winter CER Brochure :
Please don’t forget:
REGISTRATIONS are first-come, first served and many classes are limited in size! Please register early to secure your place!
DEADLINE to register for class is January 3, 2020 ! Some classes may have different deadlines. Please make sure to look at each individual.
All payments are due the week before your CER Club starts. *Your child will not be able to attend the CER club unless paid in full.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Sojdak at 856-767-0129 ext. 201
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