All Grades are Welcome! Recommended 1st - 4 th Mrs. Nasto BCS, Computer Teacher

Building Computer

Skills After School

This enrichment computer lab experience is a fun way to build computer, mouse and technology skills along with confidence in a relaxed, social and supervised environment. Students are encouraged to explore their own interests with guided support. Instruction will be provided for new technologies at various grade levels. Students will have access to a wide variety of resources using the Internet & School Programs: All School Apps, Google Tools, Coding, Avatars, Keying Activities, Google Earth, MrsNasto.com and many other resources to build Technology, Computer Science, Math and Reading skills.

5 Fun Weeks Spring 2020 Tuesdays 3-4pm April 28 May 5, 12, 19 & 26 Fee $50

Strongly recommended if student lacks access to a device, computer or Wi-Fi at home!

More information visit mrsnasto.com

Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher, BCS “Berlin Community School Computer Lab Where Learning and Technology Meet” Register Online District CER Page: bcsberlin.org More Information Call 856-767-0129 CER

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