ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17
Escort Dismissal Request for Supervision at Dismissal Form
Child’s Name:
Homeroom Teacher:
Parent/Legal Guardian Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
I am requesting the school only release my child to his/her parent/legal guardian or the escorts I have designated below. By signing at the bottom of this form, I understand the following:
● All students using Escort Dismissal must be picked up in the school car line.
● Students designated as participating in escort dismissal will be supervised with the car line students until the regular car line has been completed.
● This dismissal procedure shall be effective upon school official signature and shall apply to all school days including early dismissal days.
● Once my child leaves the school property with their designated escort, the district is not responsible for my child’s actions or the actions of the designated parent/guardian or escort.
● In the event that my child is not picked up on time or by the designated adults, my child will be placed in the after school PAL’s program and I will be responsible for the costs associated with PAL’s.
● Any designated escort must by 18 years or older.
● Any parent/guardian or escort should be prepared to show ID to school personnel and must sign the dismissal log. ● My child will not be dismissed to any person not listed on this form. ● This agreement will remain in effect for the entire school year unless revoked in writing. The following are designated to pick up my child after school from the car line: Parent/Legal Guardians Designated Escorts: 1. 1. 2.
2. 3. 4.
Parent/Guardian Signature:
School Office Approval:
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