ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17
IX. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT SPECIFIC TO MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS Students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible individuals on the way to and from school, during school hours and in all activities and programs supervised by the school, including field trips, clubs, athletic games, dances, etc. School rules apply in all of these situations. Most students willingly cooperate with their instructors and exhibit maturity and self–control commensurate with their chronological development. Occasionally, students violate classroom or school regulations. When this occurs, the teacher has the right, responsibility and authority to inform and /or discipline the offender. Depending upon the seriousness of the infraction, the teacher may use one or more of the options available to him/her that may include: discussing the situation with the student and their parents, detentions, reflective writing assignments, or utilization of other means to make students conscious of their error. When a staff member has utilized all reasonable measures at his/her command without achieving the desired modification of the child’s behavior, a referral to administration may become necessary. Merit/Demerit System 1. Merit/Demerits . We have developed a merit/demerit system in the Middle School, which is designed to help students improve their self–control. Students will be issued demerits for infractions committed. When a student has accumulated 10 active demerits, the student will be faced with a suspension of the privilege of attending classes. The suspension may be in or out of school. 2. Suspension . Teachers and the school administration will make every effort to inform parents and to solicit their cooperation before it becomes necessary to suspend the student. The teacher will complete a disciplinary referral form. This form must be signed by the parent and returned the next day to ensure communication. Failure to return the form the next day will result in additional demerits. Students who receive a 3rd suspension or accumulation of 30 demerits in any given school year must meet with the superintendent. 3. Home to School . Students are under the school’s discipline code of conduct from the time they leave home for school until the time they reenter the home after school. After school activities are a privilege and not a right. Any middle school student who was suspended will not be permitted to attend the next school dance. 4. Exclusion from School Activities . Students may also be excluded from other after school activities by the administration for school infractions. Any middle school student who is suspended twice during the academic year will lose the remaining school activities. If the student is suspended a third time, he/she will also lose interscholastic sport privileges, co–curricular activities and grade level activities. Once a student has accumulated 20 demerits, they will be placed on probationary status with regard to all school activities. Additional demerits and or disciplinary infractions may result in the loss of these activities. Students will have the opportunity to have active demerits moved to the inactive category in their discipline record by remaining demerit free for a period of five school days. One demerit is automatically removed for each five school days that the student exhibits self-control and self-improvement. Each succeeding accumulation of ten active demerits will result in a school suspension of greater duration. Parents will be scheduled to meet with school officials before a suspended student is re–admitted. 5. I & RS Referral . Any student suspended may be referred to the building Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) committee. All suspended students are reported to the Superintendent and the Board of Education. 6. Example Only . The following list is meant to serve as an example and is not all–inclusive. Consequences may be changed depending on each incident and at the discretion of the administration. Repetitive violations of any school rule may result in more severe disciplinary actions. Ten demerits are automatically assigned for any suspension. 7. Administrator’s Discretion . This is a general guideline for discipline. Administrators retain the right to utilize discretion when administering consequences for student infractions. All final discipline decisions will be made at the discretion of the Superintendent.
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