ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17


Student Use

It is important to school function that the office space and phones are available for use by office staff and incoming calls. Students will be permitted to use the main office phone sparingly. Please remind students to double check for assignments, books, and other required materials before they leave for school each morning. Students may not use their cellphones, unless they are giving permission to utilize it in the office under the supervision of a staff member. Students are not allowed to communicate electronically with staff members via telephone, pager, cellphone, or text message. The only time this is deemed acceptable is for emergency purposes which may arise during a field trip, athletic event, or curricular activity in which the use of electronic communication was approved by the administration. If a student is a relative of a staff member, advanced written approval by the principal is needed for this rule to be waived. Telephone Calls to Teachers Teachers will not be called from classes for telephone messages. Requests to have calls returned will be forwarded to teachers. Each teacher has a “voice mailbox” that can be accessed with his/her extension number. Teachers may also be contacted through the school’s web site.


Grades K to 8

Students in Grades K to 8 will complete the M.A.P. (Measures of Academic Progress) test in Reading. Students in Grades 2 to 8 also complete the M.A.P. test in Math. Dyslexia screening will take place in early elementary grades.

Grades 2 & 5 Students in Grade 2 and 5 will be administered a cognitive abilities test.

Grades 4 and 8 Students in Grades 4 & 8 are tested with the New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge (NJASK) for Science in the spring of each academic year.

Grades 3 to 8 Students in Grades 3 – 8 are tested with the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) in the spring of each academic year.

*Attendance is important to a child’s success on these tests. Students tend to perform better when tested along with the others in their class. Please make every effort to avoid planning any vacations or appointments during testing.


All students are expected to cover their textbooks and to replace the book cover if it becomes worn during the school year. If a textbook is misused, a fine will be imposed. If a textbook is lost, it is paid for according to the following schedule:

A new book

100% of cost 75% of cost 50% of cost 25% of cost

A 1–year–old book A 2–year–old book A 3–year–old book


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