ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17
Please Note: All BCS teachers meet the requirements for Highly Qualified Teachers.
The Board of Education guarantees to all persons equal access to all categories of employment, retention and advancement in this district, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, affectional or sexual orientation, marital status, familial status, liability for service in the Armed Forces of the United States, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait of any individual, or non–applicable disability.
Inquiries regarding compliance of this and/or sexual harassment may be directed to the following person:
Dr. Shelly Ward Richards, Affirmative Action Officer Berlin Community School 215 S. Franklin Avenue Berlin, New Jersey 08009 (856) 767– 0129
Parties may be held on the following occasions under the direction and supervision of the classroom teacher(s).
Grades K–3 : Halloween, Winter Holiday, Valentine’s Day, and Spring Holiday. Grades 4–5 : Halloween, and Winter Holiday. Grades 6–8 : School dances .
Parent helpers may be asked to assist the classroom teacher on these special days. Parents of Pre K to 5th graders who wish to acknowledge their child’s birthday in school must contact the teacher ahead of time concerning the time and items allowed to be brought in. So as to not interfere in the learning process items are to be dropped off in the main office.
Students are cautioned not to bring large amounts of money or cell phones, radios, MP3 players, headphones, games, balls, toys, etc. to school. Items such as these can be lost or damaged. Additionally, if these items are used during the school days they will interrupt the educational process and result in disciplinary consequences.
Athletic Equipment Athletic equipment may be brought to school for use during recess only provided that prior permission has been obtained. All equipment should be clearly labeled with the student’s name. Each student is responsible for his or her ownequipment. Transportation Devices Students may ride their bicycles to school provided that they adhere to the following safety procedures: 1. Bicycle riders must comply with the State of NJ’s helmet law. 2. Bicycle riders and their parents or guardians must agree on a “safe route” both to and from school.
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