ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17
Student Discipline Code of Conduct The Board of Education expects pupils to conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other pupils, for the educational purpose underlying all school activities, and for the care of school facilities. Therefore, a procedural manual known as the Student Discipline Code of Conduct has been developed for the purpose of delineating school rules, practices and consequences as they relate to the administration of discipline at school. The Student Discipline Code of Conduct can be found at the end of this handbook.
Students Rights & Responsibilities I have the right to:
1. Be treated with respect and kindness (no one will tease me, demean me, or insult me.) 2. Be myself: (no one will treat me unfairly due to looks, abilities, beliefs or gender.) 3. Be safe: (no one will threaten me, bully me, or damage or remove my property.) 4. Be heard: my opinions will be considered. 5. Be free to express my feelings and opinions appropriately and to learn about myself through constructive feedback. 6. Learn and to be provided assistance to do so. 7. Expect that all rights will be mine in all circumstances and to receive assistance from those in charge when that is not the case. 1. Treat all others with respect and kindness by not teasing, demeaning, or insulting them. 2. To honor individual differences by treating all others fairly regardless of looks, abilities, beliefs, or gender. 3. To help make the environment safe by not acting dangerously, by securing my property, by not threatening or bullying others, and by respecting the property of others. 4. To listen to others, consider their opinions, and allow others to be heard. 5. To express myself respectfully in ways others can hear me and to allow others to express themselves, and to provide others with constructive feedback. 6. To accept assistance when given in the spirit of increasing my opportunity to learn and grow. 7. Assist in maintaining a clean school environment. 8. To unconditionally provide assistance to others whenever I can do so. Daily Procedures 1. Students must have a pass issued by their teacher in order to use the bathroom. In addition, they must present their agenda/pass to the teacher so he/she can initial it. 2. Students must have a pass to go to the nurse’s office. The nurse will sign the pass so that the student can reenter the classroom. 3. Middle school students should report directly to the cafeteria in the morning and are not allowed to visit lockers or classrooms unless they are working directly with a teacher for curriculum based instruction. 4. At the end of the day all students should go directly home. Middle school hallways are cleared by 2:30 p.m. and elementary hallways cleared by 3:00 p.m. Middle school students who wait for elementary siblings to be dismissed may not remain in the building unless they attend the PALS program, homework club, or make arrangements to assist a Teacher until elementary dismissal time. 5. Students must have a pass issued by the counselor in order to go to her office. 6. All students must go outside for recess unless they have a lunch detention or are working directly with a teacher for curriculum based instruction. They must report to the cafeteria for attendance and present a teacher issued pass to the lunch aides before going to the teacher’s classroom. I have the responsibility to:
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