ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17
3. Walk at all times in the cafeteria. 4. Students are responsible for returning their trays to their respective places, and for cleaning their tables and surrounding floor area of trash and messes. 5. Gum, glass bottles, scissors, electronic devices, etc., are not permitted in the cafeteria or playground. 6. Food, straws, and eating utensils must remain in the cafeteria. 7. Students should place personal belongings under the seats or tables; not in the aisles. 8. Students must bring their jackets or coats to the cafeteria unless an announcement has been made over the intercom to the contrary. 9. Appropriate manners should be utilized at all times (i.e. yes, please, and thank you). Additional Playground Rules Students must use the playground equipment properly and in a safe manner; no running, pushing, jumping off, etc. The playing of any contact sport and wall ball is not allowed. Baseball bats and hard balls are not permitted on theplayground. 1. Students are to play in the specific area(s) designated by the playground aides. The area to be utilized will be dependent upon ground and weather conditions. 2. No one is to leave the play area without permission from the aide or adult on duty. Students will not be discharged to parents or relatives from the playground. This is done through the school office only. 3. Students who fail to practice appropriate playground conduct will be denied playground privileges. Examples of conduct which is not acceptable include the following: a. Fighting and other inappropriate physical actions such as pushing, shoving, hitting, grabbing, kicking another student,etc. b. Offensive language. c. Throwing any object with reckless or injurious intent. d. Intentionally disrupting an organized game. e. Insubordinate behavior to an adult supervisor. 4. Students are not permitted to bring personal sports equipment to school for use at recess without prior permission. 5. Physical restraint of students by adult supervisors may be used under the following circumstances: a. The student is in danger of hurting himself or other children. b. The staff member is acting in self-defense. c. The student is attempting to destroy school property. 6. All games and activities must end when the whistle is sounded to finish the play period. Students are to move quickly and in an orderly fashion to return to the building. 7. Students are expected to enter the building quietly and in good order after their play period.
Students moving to a new address, having a change in phone numbers or changing their emergency phone number and/or contact, must notify the school office of the change immediately. The school must have accurate and up to date information in case of an emergency.
Character Education is an instructional approach that is used to enhance learning and make school more meaningful for students. Today, the vast majority of Americans share a respect for fundamental traits of character: respect, caring, trustworthiness, fairness, citizenship, responsibility, compassion, empathy, honesty and loyalty. Yet, in today’s
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