ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17

circumstances will a student be excused and taken from the classroom until the Superintendent, or person in charge, is certain that the student is being released to his or her mother, father, legal guardian, or other duly authorized person. Please contact the school in advance if you have given anyone authorization to pick up your child from school.

If your child needs to be dismissed early because of an emergency or doctor’s appointment, you will need to sign them out by:

2:00 pm for Middle School 2:40 pm for Elementary School

By adhering to these times we can avoid end of day confusion and allow teachers and staff to focus on safely dismissing our students. Please note that early dismissals are recorded on your child’s attendance record.

Early Dismissal In the event that early dismissals occur throughout the school year, parents/guardians will be informed via the Global Connect messaging system, the school website postings, and/or through written notices sent home to parents/guardians. Please make sure that we have all current home and cell phone numbers to assist us in this process. Also, a copy of the school calendar is posted on the school website and included in this handbook where early dismissal days are denoted. Entering and Leaving the Building All students must leave the building and school grounds immediately after being dismissed from school. Elementary teachers will walk their classes to the appropriate exits. Middle School students who need to wait for younger siblings must attend Homework Club or assist an elementary teacher until the elementary school is dismissed. They may not be left unattended in the building. Students going to the library, band, music, extra-curricular activities, detention, or to receive extra help from a teacher, must remain with the teacher until dismissal. Students whose parents/escorts are not present at the time of dismissal, and students who miss the bus, must report to the office. In the event a child is not picked up at dismissal, the office staff will attempt to reach the parents and /or emergency contacts provided. If parent or emergency contacts cannot be made, we will send the student, if available, to PALS and all PALS fees will apply ($40.00 registration fee and $5.00 an hour) A call to the local police and the New Jersey Department of Child Protection and Permanency will be placed as determined by administration. Religious Holidays In accordance with state law regarding student absence from school because of religious holiday, Berlin Community School will follow the procedure below: No student who is absent from school because of a religious holiday may be deprived of any award or eligibility or opportunity to compete for any award because of such absence. If a student misses a test or examination because of religious holiday, that student must be given the right to take an alternative test or examination. To be entitled to the privileges set forth for a religious holiday excuse, a student must present a written excuse signed by a parent or guardian prior to observance of the holiday. This request is made so that the school staff does not interrupt the holiday observance with a call inquiring about the absence. Family Vacations As per Berlin Community School’s attendance philosophy previously stated, we strongly discourage families from scheduling family vacations during the school year as these days are considered unexcused absences.

We respectfully request that families schedule such important, often educational experiences during the school’s vacation times. In the event that such arrangements are not possible, the office and respective teachers are to be


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