ParentStudentHandbook2017-18 AUG.17
Section 3 To be eligible for membership, Candidates must have: ● an average of 94.50%, from sixth grade forward. When based on S, N, U, or P/F grading system, students must achieve and maintain all S and P grades. ● a 3.2 mean (average) score, out of 4, on the Staff Evaluation Forms ● zero lunch, teacher or administrative detentions and zero suspensions from grades six to present
● no more than three demerits issued per academic year ● zero administratively assigned “community service” activities
Section 4 All eligible candidates will be given an invitation to submit information. Following the second marking period report cards, all candidates will receive a Letter of Interest, which must be signed and returned by the specified date. (Date varies per school year.) Both the students and their parents/guardians must read and sign that they have an understanding of the selection process and the responsibilities and obligations of membership in the NJHS. Students will then be issued a Student Activity Information Form to complete and submit. Section 5 Failure of a candidate to turn in a completed Student Information Form and a signed selection process statement to the Chapter Advisor by the specified date and time will constitute non–interest and the candidate will not be considered for selection during that school year. Section 6 Included in the Student Activity Information Form (packet) are four Teacher Recommendation Forms. On these recommendations, students are evaluated on the basis of leadership, service, character, and citizenship. The four evaluators must include one previous year’s academic teacher, one current academic teacher, one special area teacher, and any other permanent employee of the Berlin Borough School District. All four evaluators will be of the student’s choice. Completed Teacher Recommendation Forms will be submitted directly to the Chapter Advisor by the evaluators. Section 7 Meeting the following conditions will enable the candidate to be recommended to the Faculty Council for consideration for selection in the local chapter: • Yearly, cumulative scholastic average of 3.80 in grades 6, 7, and 8 • Minimum of 10 voluntary hours of documented outside community service as noted on the Student InformationForm • 8 mean (average) score, out of 10, on the Teacher Recommendation forms • 3.2 mean (average) score, out of 4, on the Staff Evaluation forms • Completed Student Information Sheet • Student Interest Form signed by student and parents/guardians • Zero lunch, teacher or administrative detentions and zero suspensions from grades six to present
• No more than three demerits issued per academic year • Zeroadministratively assigned “community service” activities
Section 8 Candidates and parents will be notified of selection or non–selection by letter.
Berlin Borough School District will not share with parents and students specific details concerning non–selection. In the case of anappeal:
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