Winter Brochure 2018-2019
Berlin Community School
215 S. Franklin Ave.
Berlin, NJ 08009
856-767-0129 ext. 201
Project Based Learning
Register here for the PBL Investigation Laboratory Club
Kid 4 Kids Peer Mentoring __________________________________________________________________________________________ What : Peer Mentoring with Crafts & Activities Who : Kindergarten – 4th grade When : Mondays 3:00 to 4:00 pm Where : Room #24 Teacher : Miss Romond (Miss R.) Dates : (January 7 th , 14 th , 28 th .) (February 4 th , 11 th , 25 th ) Cost : $75.00 (includes all crafts and activities) Join our newest addition to CER… This is going to be a fun peer mentoring program where a selected few of our most amazing 5th graders will be spending time to help our younger lions with issues that children face every day in the classroom, cafeteria, playground, as well as at home and do fun crafts and activities.
*Besides the mentoring we will also be doing crafts and activities such as making friendship bracelets, fuse bead key chains, and so much more!
Click here to register for Kid 4 Kids
Dungeons and Dragons!
Grades 5 through 8 ADVENTURERS WANTED!
Tuesdays 2:30-4:30 & Thursdays 2:30–4:30
Room 68
$140.00 (12 two-hour sessions!)
January: 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31
February: 5, 7, 12, 14
Looking for Adventure? Good at Puzzles and team problem
solving? Like using your imagination? Enjoy Role Playing
Games? Enjoy Mr. Weichmann’s non-stop puns and terrible
dad jokes?
Dungeons and Dragons is the place for you!
Join our adventure! Create your own character, seek
treasure, explore fantastic worlds and conquer ferocious
beasts with your friends!
Click here to register for Dungeons and Dragons!
Building Computer
All Grades are Welcome! Recommended 1st - 4th
Skills After School
Students will socialize and have fun in the computer lab using Internet Resources, Google Apps, School Apps and a wide variety of software to advance and build Computer technology skills for life. Students will be encouraged to explore a different digital resources or apps weekly with guided support at their own Instructional level or grade. This enrichment lab experience is a fun way to build or advance technology & mouse skills while building self-confidence in a relaxed, social & supervised environment. Students will have access to many resources for Math & Reading, Keying Activities, Coding, Edmodo, Avatars and Google Earth. Strongly recommended if student lacks access to a computer or Wi-Fi at home! More information visit
8 Week Winter Session Tuesdays 3-4pm Starts January 8 th 2019 Fee $65
Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher, BCS “Berlin Community School Computer Lab Where Learning and Technology Meet” Register Online District Site: More Information Call 856-767-0129 CER
Are you up for a challenge? Do you like figuring out how locks open? Do you like “Escape the Room” activities? Then, BreakoutEDU club is the club for you! Work together with other students to crack the code & unlock the locks of the “challenge of the day.” Wednesdays 3-4pm with Miss Maloney January 9 th
January 16 th January 30 th February 6 th February 13th
For students in grades 1-5 $50 per student
Click here to register for BreakoutEDU Club!
Register here to join Drawing & Painting
Community Countdown Bible Club – an exciting Bible Club for Children!
Bible Lessons
Missionary Stories
Prizes and Fun!
FREE Six Week Program * 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays: January: 9th, 16 th , 23 rd , 30th February: 6 th , 13 th
Register Online By Clicking Here
Snowy STEAM Club!
Get ready for a club full of Snowy STEAM fun! Kids will build an igloo out of marshmallows, make glittery
icicles and even make a mini snowball catapult!
Teacher : Miss Conca Grades : K-4 Dates : 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31, 2/7 Day : Thursdays Time : 3–4 pm Cost : $50
Click here to register for Snowy Steam Club
Berlin Community School CER Presents
Bricks 4 Kidz® after-school classes build on the universal popularity of LEGO® bricks to deliver a high quality of educational play emphasizing – S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture and Math). Weekly classes encourage teamwork, creativity, spatial thinking, following directions, and more. Working with a partner, your child will experience the hands-on fun of seeing a model come together piece by piece, from concept to completion. Bricks 4 Kidz® teach concepts across a variety of subject areas using LEGO® bricks , gears, bushings, pulleys, levers, axles, batteries, motors, and LEGO® remote controls . Upon model completion, students are encouraged to modify their creations or can dig into our tubs of LEGO® Free Play. Kids learn that with a little imagination and resourcefulness, they can use what you have to create something amazing, while enhancing their knowledge base.
Course Title: “Space Adventures”
Many children dream of being an astronaut and traveling to space, so Bricks 4 Kidz created an entire unit around space! Each week, students will learn about real-life space exploration and build a new model related to the NASA space program. Models include a satellite, a lunar module, a centrifuge which astronauts use to prepare for the physical sensations of launch, a treadmill which astronauts use to stay fit in space, and a “space robot”. During this unit, students will learn some of the science behind launching things into orbit, will hear about the most-distant manmade object in the universe, and discuss what it is like to be an astronaut in space. Are you a budding astronaut? An adventurer who loves space exploration? Then you’ll love our Space theme projects.
At the end of the 6 week session, students will take home their own custom LEGO® Mini-figure to keep.
Session Dates Thursdays: January 10, 17, 24, 31 February 7 , 14
Cost of Program: $85 Per Student
Enroll through BCS – CER Programs:
Online - Register here for Bricks 4 Kidz In person or by Mail - Phone (856-767-0129 ext 201)
Make checks payable to Berlin CER 215 South Franklin Ave, Berlin NJ 08009
Bricks4kidz – Southern New Jersey *After School Classes* Pre –School Classes* Camps*Scouts* Birthday Parties* Field Tips*Corp Team Building* 856-335-5346
Kaleidoscope club
Anyone in grades 6 through 8
We are all about inclusion and acceptance of a person’s unique identity It's FREE!
Mon., 1/7 Thurs., 1/24 Tues., 2/5 Thurs., 2/21 Tues., 3/5 Tues., 3/19
Click here to register!
TIME: 2:30-3:30 For more information contact: Mrs. Kessler, Mrs. Weintraut, Mrs. Zingaro, or Mrs. Weiss
CER After School Computers Middle School Students Only 5 th - 8 th Grades Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher-BCS
Computers & iPads
Theme : Coding & Avatars, Swift Playgrounds by Apple, Kodable & More Resources 6 Week Session Thursdays - 2:30 - 4pm Starts Thursday, January 10 th , 2019 Fee $65
Let’s Compete & Take it To the Next Level!
Mrs. Nasto, Computer Teacher, BCS “Berlin Community School Computer Lab Where Learning and Technology Meet” Register Online District Site: More Information Call 856-767-0129 CER
Art Club
6 th -8 th grade
With Mr. Weichmann
2:30 - 4:00 pm
8 Weeks – Starting: January 9 th .
80 dollars
Create unique works of Art
Reinforce Drawing Skills
Learn Painting techniques
Click here to register for Terry Myers BB Clinic
Register here for Terry Myers BB Clinic
Register here!
As you browse through this book, please note the following:
REGISTRATIONS are first-come, first served and many classes are limited in size! Please register early to secure your place !
DEADLINE to register for any class is January 4, 2019.
CLASSES begin the week of January 7, 2019.
REGISTER EARLY for individual classes via links on each page.
PAYMENTS: Preferred method of payment is debit/credit, but we do accept check or cash payments. (If paying in cash, payment must be EXACT ). Payments are due by January 4, 2019. DISMISSAL FROM CER CLUBS! All CER students will be dismissed and ready for pick up at the Community Education Doorway (to the left of the Elementary entrance). Please wait outside in the front courtyard. All children must be signed out by parents/guardians. Please contact the CER office if someone other than parent/guardian will be picking up your child so we can inform the club instructors ahead of time. Thank you for your patience in signing for the release of your children!
Visit us at: to view our Winter Program and register online!
Winter Registration Deadline: January 4, 2019
We hope you enjoyed our Winter CER Brochure :
Please don’t forget:
REGISTRATIONS are first-come, first served and many classes are
DEADLINE to register for class is January 4, 2019 ! Some classes may have different deadlines. Please make sure to look at each individual flyer.
All payments are due the week before your CER Club starts. *Your child will not be able to attend the CER club unless paid in full .
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Sojdak at 856-767-019 ext. 201
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