Copy of BCS PALS Family Handbook 17.18


Please send your children in with a snack for their time in PALS. The children are extremely

hungry after school. Vending machines are available in the cafeteria, but PALS cannot always

guarantee their availability because they are filled by an outside vendor.


At times, we take photos of children participating in PALS activities. The photos could be

shared with the Board of Education or on our PALS or BCS website. Please let us know in

writing if you do not want us to take photos of your child.

P arking

Parking along all yellow curbing (either on school property or blocking private residences

on Franklin Avenue,) is prohibited at all times. Police will ticket any car parked in these areas

with no exceptions. Please park in designated spaces in parking lots.

Discipline and Behavior Expectations

The school's discipline code is in effect during the PALS program and can be found in your

child's school handbook. Children who do not cooperate or follow instructions will be spoken

to by staff or receive an Oops! Slip. If the child has to be spoken to on a consistent basis, the

parent will also be made aware of the situation. In severe discipline cases, the parent will be

called and asked to pick their child up immediately.

If behavior does not significantly improve, the parents will be notified of possible suspension or

even exclusion from the program. Participation in the BCS PALS Program is a privilege. This

privilege can be revoked due to continued misbehavior or failure to follow the procedures listed


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