CER Parent Information 2017-2018
Payments: ● Payments are due in full prior to the start of the first class.
● Registrations will close one full business week prior to the start of classes; any late registrations after this time will be subject to an additional $10.00 CER processing fee.
● Payment methods include: cash, check, or credit card (preferred) Returned checks will be subject to a $40 returned check fee.
● Refunds will not be issued after the class has started.
● Once a session has begun, students will not be permitted to switch classes.
PALS and CER: ● Students are not permitted to join CER clubs if there is an outstanding balance of monies owed on their PALS accounts. Please contact the CER office with any questions regarding account balances. ● Please note that if you choose to have your PALS student attend a CER Club, and you wish to have your student return to PALS after the CER club is over, you will be charged for PALS from student dismissal until pick-up. This PALS charge is in addition to the fee for the CER club. When we have PALS students attending CER clubs, we have PALS staff dedicated to ensuring that these children make it to their CER or Homework club, and then we guarantee that they make it back to PALS safely. We are highly dedicated to monitoring their location in the school the entire time they are under our care. Your child’s safety is our number one priority.
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